
Adhering to good corporate governance, ethical business conduct, comprehensive risk management, promoting innovation, and creating long-term business value.

Good Corporate Governance

Corporate governance

Building investor confidence and enhancing competitiveness.

Effective Risk Management

Risk management

Guidelines for managing operational risks.

Data Privacy and Cybersecurity

Information system security
Securing organizational data using information technology.
Business innovation
Driving business growth and competitiveness.

Corporate Governance

Good Corporate Governance

Good corporate governance emphasizes responsible and sustainable business conduct. The company establishes a structured management system with considerations for the board of directors, management, shareholders, and stakeholders.

Good Corporate Governance






Tax operations

To reflect our values and principles of responsibility, the company has tax policies aligned with corporate governance. Adhering to these policies helps us achieve sustainability goals.

Establishing accurate and lawful tax systems and practices.

Pay taxes correctly and in accordance with the operational value.

Comparing transfer price to purchase price in good faith.

Utilizing tax benefits accurately and in compliance with the law.

Maintaining open communication with tax regulators.

Enterprise risk management

The concept of risk management should be viewed in the overall context of corporate governance, risk management, and compliance, making them integrated. This ensures that driving sustainability within the organization is valuable.

Management structure

Management Process

Risk performance

Risk Analysis

Suppliers Management

Effective partner management

Partners are considered key stakeholders with a significant role in driving continuous business success. Therefore, the company has established transparent, fair, and auditable procurement practices.

Suppliers risk management

Suppliers Selection

Suppliers Priolitization

Suppliers Risk Assessemnt

Sustainable joint development

Data Privacy and Cybersecurity

The crucial role of information technology systems in business expansion.

Presently, information technology systems play a crucial role in the operations of organizations, aligning with continuous growth and business expansion. To safeguard data access, the company follows practices for controlling the security of information technology systems.

Operational guidelines

Establishing an Information System Security working group.

Establishing security guidelines for Information System.

Testing emergency response plans and auditing IT system controls by external agencies.

Business Innovations

Business innovation for society and the environment

Business innovation drives growth and competitiveness. Our commitment to creating innovations enhances societal well-being and minimizes environmental impact.

Creation of innovation for sustainability

New product “Solar cell loans”

Developing Muang Thai 4.0 application

Performance Report

Corporate Governance

New hires trained on anti-corruption.


Consistent for 6 years.


Corporate Governance Scoring.

business ethics

Suppliers undergo ESG checks.


Business growth

Total Revenue



increase 22.21%

Remaining Loan Balance



increase 18.82%

Net Profit



decreased 3.67%

Number of customers



increase 5%

Key Financial Information for 2023

Information security breaches